3400: 285-003 World Civilizations China
Book List for World Civilizations: China
- Reading Assignments for World Civilizations: China
- Chinese Language and Writing
- The Word of Buddha
- The Dao De Jing
- Selections from the Confucian Analects
- Shu Jing: The Mandate of Heaven
- Footbinding
- Footbinding Images
- Ban Zhao, Views of a Female Confucian
- Matteo Ricci: selection from his journals
- Dream of the Red Chamber
- Hidden Power the Palace Eunuchs of Imperial China
- Fu Zhan poem on woman
- Women in China Past & Present
- Sun Yatsen: Fundamentals of Nationalist Reconstruction
- Nanjing massacre (warning: graphic images)
- Soong Mei-ling, Madame Chiang
- Quotations from Chairman Mao
- Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages: The Cult of Mao
- The Truth about Tiananmen (The PRC Government View)
- Frontline The Tankman Online Documentary about Tiananmin 1989
- China in the News: Current events sites for China
- Chinese Poetry